Our Farms

As a result of strategic planning’s progress, in 2014, United re-expanded its own cultivation project as an important step towards achieving backward integration approached since the early days of the company start.

The company’s farms are consisting of 3 different farms in one region of eastern Fayoum city, Egypt. All farms are attached by a large drying area designed according to good post-harvest practice. In addition to consideration of fulfilling all expected plantation capacity.

Last and not least, all farms have acquired full organic status in 2017 as per regulation, (EC) NO 834/2007 & (EC) No. 889/2008 as well.

As per several factors headed by our customers’ demand, we set our seasonal cultivation plan in order to achieve maximum supervision & control of our exported goods.

For more details of cultivation projects such as harvest calendar, cultivation plan updates, expected production per product cultivated, …...etc. please contact us.